Specializing in independent testing, research, and assessments to complement and supplement activities performed by global tire and vehicle manufacturers.
Custom-built Equipment
Flat-Trac LTRe force and moment machine, a transformational technology leap for testing passenger car, light truck, and motorsport tires up to 200 mph, providing dynamic response and braking and torque capabilities - twice the capacity of other tire test machines.
The center was established to provide the automotive industry with the testing capability needed to engineer and develop tires to enhance fuel economy and lower emissions while meeting federal vehicle requirements and customer expectations.
This level and breadth of research, development, and testing together in one location for automotive and tire manufacturers does not currently exist anywhere else in the world.
Located at Virginia International Raceway in Halifax County, the Global Center for Automotive Performance Simulation , a Virginia Tech research facility that offers the motorsports industry equipment and expertise for shock and suspension testing, driver performance, and a broad range of on-vehicle sensing, as well as a full-motion driving simulator.
The center plans to also incorporate state-of-the-art rolling resistance machinery, enabling tire and automotive manufacturers to accelerate the development of green tire technology, reproduce real world events, and improve vehicle handling and stability.
University-industry partnership means more rapid introduction of new technology and provides more opportunities for additional research for vehicle manufacturers, tire manufacturers, the motorsports industry, local education intuitions, and government agencies.