The Halifax Industrial Development Authority's Southern Virginia Product Advancement Center (SVPAC), was invited to present the December installment of Virginia Economic Development Partnership's (VEDP's) monthly webinar series. The program was entitled: Southern Virginia Product Advancement Center: From the Lab to the Marketplace.

In collaboration with the Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA), the VEDP conducts a series of monthly webinars entitled Third Wednesday Webinars, hosted by Brent Sheffler, VEDP's Managing Director for Knowledge Transfer and Strategic Outreach. These webinars are designed to keep businesses, economic developers, and policy makers informed and up-to date on economic development topics across the Commonwealth.

"We were asked to present SVPAC to the larger economic development community because Halifax is rare in its approach through R&D to economic development," says Matt Leonard, the IDA's Executive Director. "We don't know of any other communities that are doing exactly what we are doing, or have talent like Dr. Doug Corrigan in house."

SVPAC Executive Director, Dr. Douglas Corrigan facilitated the hour-long presentation that focused on the mission of SVPAC to attract, incubate, and grow hi-tech projects that lead to full-scale commercialization in the region. The webinar included segments about SVPAC's mission, history, research and development assets, business incubation program, and specific examples of past and current projects.

For those who were not able to participate live, the recorded-webinar can be accessed by visiting the following link: